Governor Jeremiah Lomorukai, joined other leaders and residents of Turkana North to mourn the passing of Lakezone MCA Michael Egialan, who was laid to rest today in Lowarengak.
The burial was graced by a majority of MCAs led by Speaker Christopher Nakuleu, elected leaders, and a host of county officials.
Governor Lomorukai paid tribute to the late MCA, recognizing him as a wise and respected leader who played a pivotal role in fostering political consensus and maintaining harmonious relations between the County Assembly and Executive.
“Hon. Egialan was the first leader to approach me and advocate for collaboration with Speaker Nakuleu and UDA MCAs, who constitute the majority in the Assembly. In every encounter with him, his focus was development issues affecting Lakezone Ward,” remarked Governor Lomorukai.
He further acknowledged that Egialan’s exemplary record as a civil servant, having previously served as Chief and Chairman of the Turkana North CDF, contributed to his success in the last election.
Governor Lomorukai pledged the County Government’s commitment to completing development projects initiated by the late MCA. These projects include equipment support for fisherfolk in Lakezone, and the construction of new ECDE centers in Nabeletakoit, Kataboi, Namorotot, and Lokwakipi.
In a bid to accelerate development at the ward level, the Governor announced plans to operationalize the Ward Development Fund starting next year. This initiative will allocate a total of Sh1.8 billion to all wards.
He also assured the community that Turkana North will be prioritized in the county’s drought response efforts.
Speaker Christopher Nakuleu emphasized the importance of political tolerance among Turkana leaders, urging politicians to refrain from involving residents in their differences to prevent the escalation of conflicts.
He reiterated his commitment to fostering unity among Turkana leaders and strengthening collaboration between the Executive and Assembly.
“I am happy that we are working together to develop the county. When either the Assembly or Executive fails, the entire government fails,” asserted Speaker Nakuleu.
Other leaders present were MPs Ekwom Nabuin (Turkana North), Cecilia Ng’itit (Woman Rep), Emathe Namuar (Turkana Central), Protus Akuja (Loima) and Ariko Namoit (Turkana South).
Senior County Government officials who attended the burial included County Secretary Peter Eripete, County Executives Dr Michael Eregae (Finance), Patrick Losike (Roads), and Elizabeth Loote (Tourism), several Chief Officers and Directors.

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13TH-14TH AUGUST 2024