The County Department of Health and Sanitation’s Rehabilitative Services and National Council of Persons with Disabilities (NCPWD), in conjunction with the International Rescue Committee (IRC), registered households for cash assistance in Lomunyenakwaan village, Loima Sub-county.
The team also distributed household items, food and non-food items, a United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) funded social protection project implemented by IRC, targeting the elderly, People With disabilities (PWDs), and children with mental and developmental disorders.
Through the Community Health Promoters and village administrator, the targeted beneficiaries were also registered for protection cash, a one-off based on the need for 15 PWDS and 22 elderlies on cash transfers for four months.
The County Rehabilitative Services Coordinator, Concepta Long’ole said that the 12 wheelchairs donated by USAID Kenya, will assist the beneficiaries in mobility and enhance their quality of life.
“The team distributed the items to 23 households. The cash assistance will help the households cater to their basic and specific needs,” she said.
She further added that PWDs are the most vulnerable of the groups and require continuous support through inclusivity to reach their full potential.
The IRC Protection Officer, Regina Ongweso, said that in collaboration with the County Government and NCPWD, the project has accessed more vulnerable groups through counseling and one-on-one interviews to address concerns that affect them.
“Through the collaboration, the project has also built the capacity of the service providers such as healthcare workers, social protection officers, local administrators, and CHPs on mainstreaming, inclusion, and safeguarding vulnerable groups,” she said.
She revealed that they were monitoring the impact of El Nino on the vulnerable groups to assist where necessary.
Long’ole appreciated the UNFPA and IRC for their sustained efforts to improve the lives of vulnerable groups.

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13TH-14TH AUGUST 2024