Nakukulas, – Over 2,500 residents of Nakukulas, in Lokori/Kochodin Ward, today benefited from a relief food donation from faith-based organization Spread Truth Africa.
The 10 tonnes of assorted relief supplies were distributed to residents of ten villages in the area. The food was delivered earlier this month by a representative of Spread Truth Africa, Peter Kimani.
County Executive for Tourism Elizabeth Loote led a team of senior county officials and leaders who coordinated the distribution. She promised residents that the planned County Government relief cycle would prioritize regions not reached in the last cycle, including Nakukulas.
Loote also conveyed Governor Jeremiah Lomorukai’s promise to visit the region and engage with residents on development projects to benefit the area.
“Our Governor cares for all regions of Turkana, and he mobilized this donation of relief food from partners to rescue the situation as the county procures food for the usual relief distribution, which he will come to coordinate,” she said.
Area MCA Willy Napuyo highlighted development projects planned for the ward, assuring residents that the county will prioritize addressing water shortages faced by residents. He lauded the Governor for working with all MCAs, regardless of party affiliations.
Nominated MCA Selina Lokope said leaders from the area will support the Governor to deliver on his mandate to residents and realize his vision for the county.
Other officials present included Chief of Staff Peter Yoromoe, Chief Officers Derrick Epae (Administration and Disaster Management), David Maraka (Water Services), and Paul Lodung’a (Office of the Governor), Turkana East Sub-County Administrator Christopher Eregae among others.

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13TH-14TH AUGUST 2024