A Concept Development Committee is in Turkana County to conduct a feasibility study for the development of the proposed Kenya, Home of Human Origins Project. The committee has been tasked to research, design, develop, showcase, and operationalize the national project.
The committee led by Maj Gen Benard Waliaula is composed of 12 members drawn from various Ministries, Departments, and Agencies (MDAs) including the Kenya Defence Forces (KDF), Ministry of Tourism, National Museums of Kenya (NMK), Kenya Tourism Board (KTB), Kenya Wildlife Service (KWS), County Government of Turkana among other stakeholders.
The committee will explore interlinkages between different tourism products in the county, including the rich cultural heritage of the Turkana people and other communities in the Lake Turkana Basin.
The study will also identify various infrastructural developments that should be put in place to exploit the tourism potential of the Lake Turkana basin, which covers Turkana, Baringo, Marsabit, and Samburu counties.
On Monday, the committee met with Governor Jeremiah Lomorukai, where Maj Gen Waliaula briefed the county boss on the objective of the trip and discussed areas of collaboration.
Governor Lomorukai informed the team of his vision to develop Turkana’s tourism potential and assured them of his support. He expressed his appreciation to His Excellency President William Ruto for initiating and supporting the process.
The committee visited Lothagam, Kalodir, Namorutung’a-Kalokol, Losodok, Loropio, Nariding (Kataboi Gorge), Lomekwi and Nariokotome (Turkana Boy) human origin sites. The team concluded the field visits today with a tour of Eliye Springs and the Central Island National Park.
The field visits will contribute to the development of a Concept Note that will be key in guiding the entire process.
Kenya, Home of Human Origins project will add a new dimension to Kenya’s tourism sector which has been pre-dominated by game and beach tourism, and open a unique touristic door that will attract tourists who want to connect with the origins of mankind.
This project is expected to open up and elevate the Lake Turkana basin and Kenya at large as a global tourist destination for both social and economic advancement.
Chief Officer for Tourism Simon Etom, Director of Culture, Heritage and Arts Boniface Korobe, and Senior Tourism Officer Thomas Kipseba were part of the team.

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13TH-14TH AUGUST 2024