To foster sustainable agriculture, the drilling of a borehole has kicked off today at Choro Farm in Kakuma Refugee Camp. The borehole drilling aims to catalyze agricultural production on the 20-acre farm, to benefit both the host and refugee farmers.
The drilling is undertaken by Team and Team International, an implementing partner of the Sustainable Management and Access to Water and Sanitation Programme in ASAL (SWASAP).
The project is supported by the Royal Danish Embassy, Water Sector Trust Fund (WSTF), and the County Government of Turkana.
Leah Asami, the Director of Team and Team International expressed optimism stating, “The rig will be here for more than seven days to undertake drilling, flushing, and test pumping. The organization will later construct an elevated 50m3 steel tank.”
The Chair of the Choro Farmers Association, Abdul Aziz Lugazo, reflected on the challenges faced by farmers due to climate extremes that led to the depletion of the area’s only water source, forcing farmers to rely on shallow wells with low yields.
He emphasized the water provision project would revitalize the once-productive farm and elevate the region as a supplier of nutritious vegetables and fruits to Kakuma and Kalobeyei residents.
This follows a successful Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) exercise by the Department of Water Services.
The M&E team affirmed that Team and Team International are on track to deliver the Choro Farm borehole, along with 500 toilet slabs and 2500 treated poles, within the project’s one-year timeline.
The Chief Officer for Water Services, David Maraka, confirmed the M&E inspection of integrated sanitation facilities at Bright Secondary School in Kalobeyei, was a success.
Paul Lotum (Director of Water Services), Boniface Etupat (Deputy Director of Administration), Dalmas Ekiru (M&E Officer), and Felix Tomno (Turkana West Water Officer), played a crucial role in ensuring the project adheres to the required standards and timelines.
As the drilling progresses, the Choro farm community looks forward to a bright future marked by increased agricultural productivity, improved water access, and a resurgence of its once-thriving agricultural heritage.
The borehole project will also include a 2.5-kilometre pipeline network and 20 water access points for every acre of the farm.

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13TH-14TH AUGUST 2024