The National and County Governments multi-sectoral team conducted a pre-visit to Arookaatalokinyi in Lotubae, Turkana East, for the proposed establishment of grazing and animal fattening area for meat processing by the newly established Golden Valley Livestock Cooperative (GVLC).
The visit involved a meeting with the members of the Lotubae Community Land Management Committee and local leadership to provide land for the project.
The Cooperative has already attracted a membership of 508 from Katilia, Nakukulas, Lokori, and Kapedo, to engage in the meat production value chain for the local market and bulk production for export to the international market.
The County Executive for Trade, Gender, and Youth Affairs David Erukudi, led the team while emphasizing the need to form more Cooperatives in the area.
He said this for the residents in Turkana East to take advantage of the potential meat production, and bridge the huge demand-supply gap currently experienced in the market.
The Chief Officer for Lands Leah Losiru, said her team was present in the visit to check compliance in the land acquisition process and use the opportunity to educate the local public on productive land use for their benefit.
She insisted that the leadership of the Cooperative would be required to sign a MoU with the local Community Land Management Committee with the guidance of the Lands Department to safeguard the ownership rights of the Arookaatalokinyi Community.
The chair of the GVL Cooperative, Dr. George Njega, said that the entity would explore the commercialization of meat production, peacebuilding, and Education in the area.
Dr. Njenga explained the Livestock-based Cooperative had adopted a model to allow direct sale of meat products at the local market and bulk supply to food processing institutions.
The visit was also used as an opportunity to introduce Abdullah Bukolo; a representative of the ABF Company, a renowned exporter of meat products in Kenya.
Those present during the visit were; Osman Ayub, Turkana East Assistant County Commissioner, Simon Eregae, Chair, Golden Valley Cooperative Society Turkana East, William Naletio, Chair Lotubae CLMC chair, Francis Abongo, Assistant Director, Cooperatives Audit and Stephen Njoroge, Physical planning.

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13TH-14TH AUGUST 2024