Governor Jeremiah Lomorukai has assured the business community that the County Government has initiated efforts to establish a favorable business environment that fosters fair trade practices.
Speaking in Lodwar during the County Government’s end-of-year Thanksgiving party, Governor Lomorukai reiterated his commitment to collaborate with all stakeholders, irrespective of tribe or race, to promote businesses in Turkana.
“I assure you that my government is fully committed to improving the quality of life for every individual in our county. The 9-point agenda set by my administration will guide us toward a sustainable future,” affirmed the Governor.
Governor Lomorukai who was accompanied by First Lady Lillian Ekamais, outlined his development plans for the new year, focusing on key priority sectors to create socio-economic impact for Turkana residents.
“As we enter 2024, let us embrace hope, optimism, and enthusiasm. Our government is dedicated to uplifting every citizen by improving access to water and quality education, promoting peace, food security, sustainable economic growth, and providing better healthcare for all,” he stated.
Governor Lomorukai commended the County Assembly for supporting the implementation of the government’s development agenda through the passage of bills. He announced the allocation of development funds worth sh.60 million to each ward, starting in the next financial year.
Addressing the Turkana Professional Association (TPA), the Governor challenged its leadership to be an independent body and shift away from being political partisanship.
On bursaries and scholarships, Governor Lomorukai directed a fair and inclusive process that will ensure all residents, including minorities, benefit. He revealed plans to digitize the distribution process for efficiency.
The Governor reaffirmed his commitment to championing unity among the Ateker communities and other communities bordering Turkana. He emphasized that his collaboration with the National Government was aimed at securing transformative development projects for the County.
Moroto Municipality Mayor Mohamed Ismael called for unity among the Ateker and stressed that a united front would better convey the plight of neglected communities to the National Governments.
Woman Representative Cecilia Ngitit urged Wananchi to take the lead in uniting elected leaders. She challenged her colleagues in the National Assembly to bury political differences and form a united front for more opportunities that she said were available at the National Government.
MCAs, led by House Deputy Majority Leader Abdifatah Kapua, defended their working relationship with the Governor and refuted claims that it was affecting their oversight role.
Deputy County Secretary Dr. Albert Gamoe, Ag. Chairperson for the Public Service Board Dr. Ekod Pauline, and County Executive for Public Service James Wangiros were also present, alongside a host of Chief Officers and Directors.

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13TH-14TH AUGUST 2024