More than 1026 ECDE centres will benefit from Fortified porridge flour distribution across the county in Turkana.

The supply is meant to reduce hunger and malnutrition, as well as the absence of learners in schools due to hunger.

County Executive Commitee Member Hon. Audan Leah Lokala flagged off 8333 bags of unimix poridge each bag weighing 25kg.

Speaking in Lodwar resource center during the launch of the program, CECM Audan said fortified porridge supply will increase early childhood development education enrollment, transition and retention rates in addition to nutrition.

CECM Audan pledged to ensure that there would be accountability for the porridge delivered to all ECDE centres.

She commended Mary’s meal for its commitment to supporting learner’s education, saying the food donated will undoubtedly alleviate food insecurity.

Noting that food donation from mary’s meal will always complement county government efforts in keeping early childhood education learners in school.

Other organizations appreciated for their support to ECDE were UNICEF, SAVE THE CHILDREN, JICA, Diocese of Lodwar among others.

She commended Governor Napotikan’s effort for immense support towards education, saying his investment has actually revitalized education in the County, hence realization of his development agenda number five.
Adding that Governor Jeremiah’s administration has hired enough teachers and built model classes to allow learners to attend school and also provided teaching and learning materials to improve the quality of education provided in ECDE centres.

Madam Audan further stated that early childhood education is vital for children as it was the only option for them to build their capacity to learn different things.

She further called on the parents to help their children discover their talents outside academic fields, saying that with the country embracing a competency-based curriculum, learners were bound to exhibit their talents.

County Director of ECDE Ezekiel Kulal assured that the food will supply will be kept safe, away from contamination as he hailed Governor Napotikan’s effort in investing early childhood education.

Director Ezekiel advised teachers responsible for the centres to diligently adhere to the recommended storage procedures to preserve and maintain porridge’s nutritional value.

The first phase of distribution begun with Turkana East receiving 1000 bags of porridge and Turkana south 1400 bags. Other to follow are Turkana North/Kibish 1400 bags, Turkana West 1400 bags, Loima 1400 bags and Turkana Central 1733 bags.

Others present during the flagging off were Ignatius Erupe (Principal Admin) and Barrbara Ekai (Procurement Officer).

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13TH-14TH AUGUST 2024