Governor Jeremiah Lomorukai today met the delegation from JICA Headquarters Japan, led by Special Advisor Iwabuchi Tomohiro, to discuss pilot programs on gender equality and women’s empowerment in the region.
The JICA’s Gender Equality Promotion Mission is in the county to assess the progress of the Gender Transformation Vegetable Lunch Program, implemented by TUPADO across Turkana Central, Turkana South, and Loima Sub Counties.
Governor Lomorukai expressed his appreciation for JICA’s longstanding partnership with Turkana, emphasizing its instrumental role in the county’s development. He acknowledged the numerous challenges the county faces, including the harsh effects of climate change, and reiterated the need for collaborative efforts in addressing them, particularly regarding nutrition.
“The County Government alone cannot manage all the challenges we are faced with. We are particularly focused on improving the nutrition of children and lactating mothers, and TUPADO has proven to be the right organization to implement this program through their deep understanding of our communities.”
Mr. Iwabuchi reiterated JICA’s commitment to the program, explaining how it invests in empowering women through income generation from vegetable sales to schools, ultimately leading to improved nutrition for children. He also outlined the delegation’s mission to monitor the program’s progress and gather information on gender mainstreaming in the context of nutrition and climate change resilience.
The team will visit and interview project beneficiaries, community leaders, and stakeholders in Sopel, Lochwaa, Kekunyuk, Lobei, Kabulokor, Logogo, Kakemera, Kangatotha, Lobolo, and Naipa.
TUPADO’s Programs Coordinator, Dr. Philemon Ng’asike, reported that the program currently reaches 200 women, directly benefiting 1200 residents, and expressed hope for further expansion. Director Samuel Ekal elaborated on TUPADO’s broader support in food security, drought response, and water provision, emphasizing the synergy between water projects and the sustainability of nutrition initiatives.
County Executive for Trade David Erukudi stressed the critical link between water security and the success of the nutrition program, encouraging JICA and TUPADO to prioritize water projects. He further appealed for JICA’s support in formulating gender policies and implementing programs specific to women’s needs.
The JICA delegation included Project Formulation Advisor Sakai Nami. Senior County officials at the meeting included Directors Mollen Onderi (Gender) and George Emase Edung’ (Climate Change).

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13TH-14TH AUGUST 2024