A joint team of officials from the National State Department of Housing, County Department of Urban Areas and Municipalities, and Renaissance Consultancy Group has concluded a week-long community sensitization meeting in Turkana, shedding light on the ongoing Kenya Informal Settlements Improvement Programme II (KISIP).
The identified informal settlements that include; Nabute, Napetet, Ngiitakito, Soweto/California in Lodwar Township, Nginokokim, Lokichar, and Lopiding, in Lokichoggio are set to benefit from the Programme.
KISIP II is a joint initiative by the two governments aimed at revitalising informal settlements by enhancing housing infrastructure, installing street lights, improving access roads and footpaths, implementing water harvesting and storage facilities, and upgrading sewerage systems.
Throughout the week, public barazas were organized in Turkana Central, Lopiding in Lokichoggio, and Nginokokim in Turkana South.
Speaking during the meetings, Urban Areas and Municipalities Chief Officer Marian Lotieng reported that the sensitisation forum was aimed at informing the residents, of the program’s objectives, the establishment of Settlement Emergency Committees (SECs), and the utilisation of grievance-handling process for the program-related complaints.
Communities were also educated on house ownership procedures, digital land registration, and the crucial areas where community input is valued.
According to her, the initiative aligns with the National Government’s broader strategy to address the housing gap through affordable housing programs, with KISIP playing a key role in complementing the process.
In Lodwar Township, the area Member of the County Assembly, Ruth Kuya urged for more sensitisation meetings, while encouraging residents to utilise the Grievances and Regrets Committee (GRC) to address their concerns.
The week-long exercise involved the participation of sub-county administrators Esther Kiyonga (Turkana Central), Obed Echip (Lokichoggio), and Simon Koloi (Turkana South).
Others were; Senior Chiefs Duncan Ngimare and Margaret Lomosingo. Simon Lokakwan, Land Administrator (Turkana West).

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13TH-14TH AUGUST 2024