January 16, 2024 (Public Communications and Media Relations)

A delegation from the Embassy of Japan in Kenya today paid the Deputy Governor, Dr. John Erus a courtesy visit in his office at the County Government HQ in Lodwar.

The envoy included Mr. Kondo Shigeru- Counsellor, Embassy of Japan in Kenya, Prof. Kennedy Mkutu Agade- Professor of International Relations/ Peace and Security Studies at United States International University- Africa (USIU-A), Emeritus Prof Itaru Ohta- Kyoto University in Japan, Yumi Yamane (Ph.D) – Director, Japan Society for The Promotion of Science at the Nairobi Research Station, Obondo Kajumbi- Kenya School of Government in Nairobi, and Phylis Ndun’gu- Economic Section, Embassy of Japan in Kenya.

Mr Shigeru stated that the purpose of this visit was to share knowledge about the upcoming Turkana dialogue on climate change and request for support and cooperation of the Turkana authorities. This dialogue is scheduled to take place in Namorputh, Loima Sub-County on 14-16 February 2024.

DG Erus stated that the goal of the County Government of Turkana is to set infrastructures in place to guide future conversations. He added that Turkana County is available to work with and support partners carrying out feasibility tests.

“There are Turkanas who were born in Uganda and have intermarried there. We hope that the framework of engagement put in place previously by the former President Uhuru Kenyatta and H.E President Yoweri Museveni will guide all the ongoing and future peace dialogues between Turkana and Uganda,” the Deputy Governor added.

Dr Erus mentioned that such dialogues are important, emphasizing that the County Government was looking forward to the report derived from this dialogue. He reiterated that it is necessary to continue these dialogues and invest in research to inform processes and systems put in place.

He welcomed the delegation from the Embassy of Japan in Kenya to be part of the process and work with Turkana County.

County Executive for Tourism, Culture, Natural Resources, and Climate Change, Elizabeth Loote expounded that water has been a challenge along the Ugandan border and the Kobebe Dam in Uganda has been the reason why people from Turkana move back to Uganda in search of water.

“The question is, how do we come up with a lasting solution such as a dam on this side of the border? As you go to address the Loima community, expect the issue of water to be raised as an ongoing challenge.” the CEC advised.

The Deputy Governor appreciated the Kenya School of Government in Nairobi for the vision and capacity they have built for Turkana County in terms of training. Dr Erus also revealed that USIU had successfully identified a link between academia and industries through research.

“We are deliberately working towards getting a chatter for our only university here- the Turkana University to become a fully functional University capable of serving the region including Uganda, Ethiopia, and South Sudan further advancing the ongoing peace efforts.”

The Deputy Governor closed by stating that collaboration and strategic partnerships are critical to enhancing development.

The Senior officials from the County Government present in the meeting included Deputy County Secretary Dr. Albert Gamoe and Director of Climate Change George Emase.

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13TH-14TH AUGUST 2024