January 17, 2024 (Public Communications and Media Relations)

A total of 14 bright but needy students from Turkana who recently completed their Kenya Certificate of Primary Education (KCPE) are now assured of going through secondary school courtesy of full sponsorship by leading banking institutions in Kenya.

At a ceremony in Lodwar presided over by the Turkana Deputy Governor Dr. John Erus, Kenya Commercial Bank (KCB) unveiled 12 while two others were unveiled by the National Bank of Kenya (NBK).

Speaking at the event, Turkana Deputy Governor Dr. John Erus said that the scholarships would open the door to quality education and equip the 14 beneficiaries with the much-needed skills to pursue further education for self and community transformation.

DG Erus added that the County was keen on promoting access to education as identified in agenda five of Governor Lomorukai which focuses on revitalising education and child protection.

“As we welcome and appreciate the full scholarship from Kenya Commercial Bank and the National Bank of Kenya for the 14 beneficiaries, we are also proud of launching a Ksh 534 Million scheme where more bright and needy students across Turkana will access bursaries, scholarships, and loans for educational purposes.” DG Erus said.

The DG called on the beneficiaries to reciprocate the kind gesture by working even harder to achieve their academic goals while at the same time serving as good ambassadors of the banking institutions.

Manager of the KCB Lodwar branch Christine Tatoi divulged that similar scholarships had been awarded to students across the nation under the the KCB foundation scholarship scheme.

The Manager explained that the KCB scholarship program had been ongoing since 2005 and the number of beneficiaries had been increasing with time from an initial number of two students to the current 12 beneficiaries.

The Lodwar branch Manager clarified that the scheme also included academic mentorship, full payment of tuition fees, purchase of basic learning materials and equipment, and, a stipend.

“For those who perform well at the end of the secondary school education, KCB is open to an extension of the scholarship to University education to ensure full completion of the cycle.” Christine Tatoi assured the beneficiaries.

Delvine Timer, a beneficiary of the scheme narrated how she had given up on life after becoming a mother at a young age and expressed confidence in completing the process.

“I went back to primary school and worked hard to redeem myself, am happy that KCB has come along to help me in realizing my academic goals,” Delvin said.

Present during the event were Paul Lodunga (Chief Officer, Office of the Governor), Margaret Lomosingo (Area chief, Lodwar Township), Weldon Langat (NBK Lodwar Branch Manager), Ken Logilae (KCB), beneficiaries and their parents.

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13TH-14TH AUGUST 2024