Lodwar, 22nd January 2024 (Governor’s Press Service).
Governor Jeremiah Lomorukai today hosted a delegation from the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) led by the Country Representative Caroline Van Buren, at the County Government HQ in Lodwar.
The Governor also officially received two vehicles donated by UNHCR and handed over to the County Government today.
In his remarks, Governor Lomorukai appreciated UNHCR for the vehicles and affirmed the County Government’s commitment to collaborate with the UN agencies in the implementation of its development vision for the residents of Turkana.
He raised concerns over political interference in refugee land acquisition and emphasized that land allocation falls within the constitutional mandate of the County Government.
“The provision of land to any entity whether private or public is solely the responsibility of the County Government. We are willing to support UNHCR as long as due process is followed,” stated the Governor.
On coordination in implementing KISEDP projects, Governor Lomorukai underscored the need for transparency and strategic planning noting that there was concern from the community in Turkana West Sub-county over implementation of the projects.
Governor Lomorukai requested a meeting with the concerned UNHCR department and County Government to plan the auctioning of the UN vehicles. He stressed the need for fairness and prioritisation of the people from Turkana West in the auction of the vehicles as the host I’m community.
On her part, Caroline Van Buren commended the County Government for supporting refugees and asserted that the Shirika Plan cannot be implemented without the devolved units as it is based on the County Development Plan.
She briefed the Governor on the progress of UNHCR programs and stated that regular communication was key to strengthening collaboration and achieving shared goals.
County Executive for Lands Peter Akono disclosed that a stakeholders’ meeting had been organized to create a comprehensive roadmap for land acquisition with guidance from the County Government.
County Secretary Peter Eripete, Deputy County Secretary Dr. Albert Gamoe, County Executive for Trade David Erukudi, Chief of Staff Peter Yoromoe, as well as Advisors Malachy Ekal (Political) and Ekiru Tulele (Legal), were in attendance.
The UNHCR delegation included Deputy Country Representative Ivana Unluova, Head of Kakuma Sub Office Nicolas Kaburaburyo, Liaison Officer UNHCR Nairobi Charles Odera, and Philip Lomor Liaison Officer – Lodwar Field Office.

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13TH-14TH AUGUST 2024