January 24, 2024 (Public Communication and Media Relations)

Senior County Health officers led by the County Executive for Health and Sanitation Dr. Francis Mariao, have assessed the performance of USAID Imarisha Jamii covering the period from October to December 2023.

The county team analyzed the program’s data from its 52 HIV/AIDS care and treatment facilities and 283 reproductive, maternal, newborn, child, and adolescent health (RMNCAH) sites.

In his opening remarks, Dr. Mariao emphasised the important role of data in developing health strategies.

“Health is the foremost priority in the County Integrated Development Plan 2023-2024, thus, the county health department is committed to reinforcing its monitoring and evaluation processes,” he said.

Dr Mariao stressed the importance of strategic partnerships that extend beyond resource mobilization to include coordination and joint identification of gaps to meet the needs of the residents.

The Acting Chief of the Party of USAID Imarisha Jamii, Dr Evans Osembo, shared the program’s plans to expand its impact with four additional care and treatment sites. This expansion aims to cater to the needs of over 10,000 individuals living with HIV in the county.

Dr Osembo also highlighted the program’s successful collaboration with partners, such as the Diocese of Lodwar, enhancing its outreach and effectiveness in the county.

Following presentations, the participants identified gaps and lessons learned and proposed recommendations to enhance the performance of key indicators in the program.

Other partner representatives present included the Diocese of Lodwar, TUPADO, and the AIC Health Ministry.

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