Lodwar, 29th January 2024 (Governor’s Press Service) – Governor Jeremiah Lomorukai today unveiled the first beneficiaries of the Turkana County Scholarship Scheme.

The 133 bright students were awarded scholarships to pursue their secondary education, which includes full fee payment and purchase of school requirements. The beneficiaries comprised 72 girls and 61 boys.

“This scholarship programme is a vital component of our commitment to education. It is not just financial aid; it is an investment in your potential and the future of Turkana County,” stated Governor Lomorukai while addressing the beneficiaries.

He said the scholarship programme, established under the newly launched Turkana County Education Fund, prioritizes inclusivity and meritocracy. He explained that the selection criteria considered academic performance, family background, poverty levels, special needs, and regional balance.

The Governor revealed that all 21 qualifying orphans and all five applicants with disabilities received full scholarships, while girls comprised the majority of beneficiaries, aligning with the county’s focus on gender mainstreaming.

Governor Lomorukai urged them to embrace this opportunity with dedication and hard work. He commended the County Education Fund Management Board chairman Joseph Morungole for the board’s diligence in processing the applications.

Deputy Governor Dr John Erus hailed the importance of such opportunities for needy students, emphasizing their potential to change lives.

County Executive for Education Leah Audan promised that next year will see the same number of beneficiaries and urged the students to “represent Turkana County in the best way possible.”

Chairman of the County Assembly Departmental Committee on Education Michael Aemun (Kaputir) pledged the support of MCAs in pursuing increased allocation to the Education Fund and called for coordination between school heads and institutions offering bursaries to eliminate the need for students being sent home for fees.

Deputy Speaker Philip Ekuwam (Nanam) and a team of MCAs, including Leader of Minority Samuel Lomodo (Lokichar), also spoke at the event.

Senior County Government officials present included Chief Officer for Economic Planning Samuel Ekale, County Solicitor Ruth Emanikor, Advisors Malachy Ekal (Political), and Ekiru Tulele (Legal).

County Director of Education Henry Lubanga and Turkana Central Deputy County Commissioner Kipsiele Kipng’eno also attended the launch.


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13TH-14TH AUGUST 2024