Lochor-Aikeny, January 31, 2024 (Governor’s Press Service) – Governor Jeremiah Lomorukai joined the Zero Barefoot Campaign team at Lochor-Aikeny Primary School, where they distributed shoes.

The initiative, patronised by Charleen Ruto, aims to bring dignity to schools and restore hope and confidence to school-going children.

In his remarks, Governor Lomorukai recognized the campaign’s significance for children’s well-being and called on other stakeholders to join in supporting this community cause.

He said, “I want to thank Charleen Ruto for coming with her team to support our children. I want to ask partners and investors to emulate and support this necessary programme.”

Citing poverty and insecurity as primary challenges in Turkana’s learning institutions, Governor Lomorukai assured support from the County Government for the Zero-Bare Campaign initiative.

On her part, Ms Charleen Ruto emphasized her commitment to championing and accelerating efforts by young people as a youth champion. She asked for support to extend the campaign to cover all schools in Turkana, ensuring dignified education.

Zero Barefoot Campaign and Environment founder Victor Kiprono highlighted their objective and stressed that a multi-sectoral approach involving government and private actors would broaden the campaign.

Former Turkana Central MP Lodepe Nakara and Kangatotha MCA Mathew Alany also spoke.

County Government officials present included County Executive for Education, Sports, and Social Protection Leah Audan, Fisheries Chief Officer Evans Lomodei and a host of directors.

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13TH-14TH AUGUST 2024