February 7, 2024 (Public Communication and Media Relations)

The County Executive for Education, Sports, and Social Protection Leah Audan has called upon residents in Turkana to make use of the newly revamped public library situated in Kenyatta Line in Lodwar, to enhance their reading culture.

CECM Audan said, “The library can be utilized by all learners. It has more than 13,000 books following support from a series of past partnerships with Kenya National Library services and other institutions.”

She further added that the library has a senior citizens corner where daily newspapers, magazines, and newsletters are available for their reading.

The Education CECM was speaking while leading celebrations to mark 2024 read-aloud day in Lodwar.

The event was themed, “Tell me, I will hear. Show me, I will see. Read to me, I will see, hear, and learn.’’

CECM Audan reminded all the residents in Turkana to consider literacy as a fundamental right and not just a skill, a promise to ensure everyone regardless of circumstances, has access to the transformative power of books and stories.

She emphasized that the day was dedicated not just to reading, but also to the art and practice of reading aloud.

CECM noted that stories were passed down from generation to generation even before writing was invented and oral forms of storytelling were the earliest way of preserving human knowledge, insight, and creativity.

The day, therefore, she said, helps us bring this tradition back to reading while promoting literacy.

The County Executive further stated that libraries are the key drivers to reading culture, fostering a love for books among Kenyan readers of all ages.

This is in line, she explained, with the Governor’s agenda on revitalizing education through the establishment of a public library in Turkana.

Chief Officer for ECDE and Social Protection, Etelej Korea stated that the promotion of a reading culture in Turkana will aim to publicize reading among members of the general public.

He added that the activity was meant to popularize reading habits and make it a lifelong hobby.

Korea noted that creating awareness of the importance of reading for leisure and not necessarily to pass exams would be prudent.

Consequently, CCO stressed that pupils cannot develop analytical skills of locating, selecting, organizing, manipulating, evaluating, and processing information if they don’t engage in reading habits that have been boosted by the presence of a public library that can be accessed by all for free.

Chief Korea asked the pupils in Turkana to play an ambassadorial role in passing information to the rest to make use of the library services.

During this year’s celebrations, children were invited to participate in a read-aloud celebration in partnership with schools within proximity such as the Canopy, Erait Academy, Queen of Peace, Turkana Blooms, Lodwar Girls, Loyo Junior School, and Lodwar Mixed.

Among the partners who attended the event were Simon Lokol, Loyelei Lesline (CFAO TOYOTA), Mary Tioko ( Radio Akicha), and Gideon Ekeno (CUTSA).

Also in the meeting were the head librarian Hellen Mbotela and other members of staff from the Education Department.

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13TH-14TH AUGUST 2024