February 12, 2024 (Public Communication and Media Relations)

Turkana West has been earmarked for the implementation of a three-year strategic plan in which Kakuma and Kalobeyei will benefit from 230 bins for garbage collection, 13 waste transfer sites, and waste transportation trucks for a cleaner environment in the Municipality.

The County Government of Turkana, in collaboration with Peace Winds Japan, will roll out the comprehensive strategy for the benefit of both the host and refugee communities residing in the area in the spirit of integration.

During a meeting chaired by the County Executive for Lands, Housing, and Urban Areas Management, Peter Akono, the roadmap for implementing the strategy was discussed.

CECM Akono explained that the strategy outlines the process of identifying waste transfer stations, the necessary resources for waste management, and the roles of various stakeholders.

Acknowledging sector players’ involvement in developing the strategy through consultative meetings, CECM Akono emphasized the need for capacity building among actors and heightened awareness campaigns targeting the public.

Furthermore, CECM Akono asserted that the strategy’s full implementation will enhance Kakuma’s sanitation to meet Municipal standards.

The Peace Winds Japan delegation, led by Akiko Chiba, expressed their commitment to leveraging their expertise in WASH interventions in the refugee setting to combat solid waste problems in the Municipality area.

Chiba hinted at supporting garbage collection by providing Tuk-Tuks and trucks, empowering local organizations in waste management practices, and promoting the principles of reusing, reducing, and recycling among the public.

The Peace Winds Japan team lead Achiba Kiko acknowledged that the organization had briefed the County Department for Environment on the matter with the expectation that environment officers would be fully involved in the implementation of the strategy.

The meeting between the two parties comes barely a week after Peace Winds Japan convened a stakeholders forum on solid waste management and environmental conservation at Kakuma.

Emmanuel Luyali (Area Manager, Peace Winds Japan) and Evelyn Tumaina (County WASH coordinator) accompanied Kiko Achiba during the meeting.

From the County Government, Marian Nakale (Chief Officer, Urban Areas Management) and Ekaran Victorsam (Turkana West Sub County Environment Officer) were present.

At the Environment Department, the Akiko-led team was hosted by the Director for Climate Change George Lodungo Emase.

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13TH-14TH AUGUST 2024