February 12, 2024 (Public Communication and Media Relations)

A section of Professional Athletes in Turkana has called for funding support by the County Government to tap the huge talent available in the County.

Through the members who paid a courtesy call to the County Executive for Education, Sports, and Social Protection, Leah Audan, the team asked to be formally included in the County Government budget moving forward.

Coach John Elim who led the delegation to the CECM said that a number of their members had secured qualifications to represent the nation in local and global competitions hence the request for support to participate.

“Some of us like Faith Awar and John Ewoi have qualified for World Junior Cross Country championship. Others like John Ewoi and Francis Ebei will take part in a half marathon in China and the Netherlands. Dismas Lotir will do 42 KM in South Africa and the USA,” Coach John Elim said.

While appreciating the efforts of the athletes and the sacrifice for attaining such professional heights, CECM Audan said that the County was keen on developing sporting talent as it was part of Governor Lomorukai’s nine-point agenda.

The CECM pledged to work closely with the athletic team, especially on their request for inclusion in the County budget, and even attended the World Junior cross country competitions to be held on 9th March 2024 at Limuru to cheer the team.

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13TH-14TH AUGUST 2024