February 15, 2024 (Public Communication and Media Relations)

The CEC for Agriculture, Livestock Development and Fisheries, Dr Anthony Apalia commissioned the the Lokokimoe drip Irrigation scheme in Turkwel, Loima Sub-county.

The irrigation scheme, a flagship project by Governor Lomorukai’s administration, will cover 5.22 hectares and is set to benefit 80 households. It is one of the flagship irrigation projects that are geared towards increasing food production.

“This project is a testament to the county government’s commitment to implement new projects geared towards the realization of food security in line with Governor Lomorukai’s agenda,” he said.

Agriculture and Land Reclamation Chief Officer, Janerose Tioko, urged the community to fully embrace farming as a livelihood

“The produce from the scheme will also help support the Etic Bon women milling plant through value addition of the locally produced food crops,” she said.

The scheme, she explained, will uplift their socio-economic status through income generation hence encouraging the youth to venture into agriculture.

Additionally, the CCO revealed that the county government would be distributing seeds and dispatching tractors for land preparation.

She also promised farm inputs to farmers to ensure good agronomical practices is adhered to.

Area MCA Stephen Edukon appreciated the county government for commissioning the project. He said that plans to upscale the project will be informed by its adoption and proper utilization by the community.

The Lokokimoe Drip Irrigation Project includes borehole drilling and equipping with a solar pumping system and elevated steel tank.

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13TH-14TH AUGUST 2024