February 15, 2024 (Public Communication and Media Relations)

The Department of Health and Sanitation and its stakeholders held a two-day multi-sectoral coordination meeting to strengthen partnerships to enhance integration and policy alignments.

The meeting aimed at strengthening resource mobilization, knowledge sharing, and identifying opportunities to enhance healthcare services in the county.

The County Executive Committee for Health and Sanitation, Dr Francis Mariao stated that the collaboration with the partners would foster opportunities for investment and sustainable development of quality healthcare services.

“Strengthened partnerships with health department and other sectors will ensure harmonization effort in the implementation programs,” he said.

He also emphasized community engagement in a bid to enhance public participation in decision-making.

The County Chief Officer for Preventive and Promotive Health, Peter Lomurukai, urged the stakeholders to engage and co-create to enhance key health indicators.

“I want to acknowledge the support of partners on health services delivery as it aligns with the governor’s agenda,” said Lomurukai.

He added that there is a need to look for opportunities, gaps, and improvements to enhance primary healthcare for the people of Turkana County residents.

As the moderator of the meeting, the Deputy Director for Administration and Partnerships Nancy Kinyonge appreciated the partner representatives for their participation in the meeting and ongoing support.

The health department directors presented their strategic objectives, key programs, achievements, gaps, and opportunities. The partners’ representatives shared their policies, achievements, and interventions across several key areas including primary healthcare, water sanitation and hygiene, nutrition, livelihoods, and climate resilience.

Present were the Chief Officer of Medical Services Dr Gilchrist Lokoel, Senior and County Health Management teams and other county stakeholders; Water Services, Environment, Veterinary Services, and Climate Change.

“I would like to thank the partners for their support during the measles outbreak over the past three months. I also appeal to them to remain vigilant and ready to respond to similar emergencies in the future,” he said.

The partners present were ADRA Kenya, University of Nairobi, USAID Imarisha Jamii Kenya Red Cross USAID Kenya’s Afya Ugavi, UNICEF Kenya, Feed the Children, Welthungerhilfe Kenya PanAfricare Kenya, Kenya Medical Training College, Save the Children Kenya, World Vision Kenya, Diocese of Lodwar, World Food Program Kenya, USAID NAWIRI, AHF Kenya, International Rescue Committee, Apesere, UNHCR Kenya, Convoy of Hope and World Relief Kenya.


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13TH-14TH AUGUST 2024