February 21, 2024 (Public Communication and Media Relations)

The County Government, in partnership with Sea Water Solutions and NARA – a UK-based company, is seeking innovative and sustainable solutions for the use of saline water for commercial pasture production.

This was discussed during a courtesy call to the County Executive for Agriculture, Livestock Production, and Fisheries Dr Anthony Apalia by the Technical Lead at Sea Water Solutions, Chris Eccles.

CECM Dr Apalia welcomed the move as it was a huge step towards livestock production which will improve the food security situation in the county.

“Fodder production especially on the 10,000 hectares of land in Kerio will boost Livestock Production as a main livelihood of the Turkana people,” he said.

Chief Officer for Livestock Development, Dr. Ezekiel Etelej, appreciated the partnership and said would transition livestock practices towards regenerative agroecologies, pasture, livestock feed supply chain, and rangeland management programs.

Chris Eccles pointed out that the partnership would support the development and management of pasture/fodder production, saline water infrastructure development, and co-develop integrated livestock management models.

It would also assist in the management of invasive species such as Prosopis Juliflora for commercial opportunities such as biochar production and livestock feed use.

The project would also support the development of innovative agro-pastoral approaches and livestock management frameworks to address climate change, supply chain issues, and beneficiary access to services such as affordable livestock feed and markets.

County Director of Livestock Production Bobby Ekadon and Assistant Director of Livestock Production Ernest Anzenze were also present.

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13TH-14TH AUGUST 2024