February 29, 2024 (Public Communication and Media Relations)

The Department of Health and Sanitation senior officials and stakeholders held a meeting to evaluate the Universal Health Coverage (UHC) Acts to broaden the scope of healthcare and financial protection to the residents.

The objective of the meeting was to analyze the four UHC legislative acts to provide the necessary legal framework for the successful rollout of Universal Health Coverage in the county. The Acts include the Primary Health Care Act, Digital Health Act, Facility Improvement Financing Act, and Social Health Insurance Act.

Speaking during the meeting, County Executive Committee of Health and Sanitation Dr. Francis Mariao said that the county government was committed to implementing the Acts to ensure primary healthcare was accessible and affordable to the people.

“Primary healthcare seeks a fundamental shift from curative to preventive health care and therefore needs to mobilize residents to register for Social Health Insurance Fund,” he said.

County Chief Officer for Preventive and Promotive, Peter Lomorukai said that UHC seeks to address the quality of healthcare services to the patients.

“We have to look at how to address access to healthcare services, especially in areas that are prone to insecurity,” he said.

Council of Governors representative, Prof. Mutaka Kangu, pointed out that the Social Health Insurance Act would replace the current National Health Insurance Fund. He added that it would establish three new funds; Primary Healthcare, Social Health Insurance, and Emergency, Chronic, and Critical Illness.

“The Emergency, Chronic, and Critical Illness Fund will handle emergency and chronic illness costs once social health insurance is depleted,” he said.

Present were the Senior Health team and representatives from the Council of Governors, County Legal, and County Assembly. Partners representatives were Save the Children Kenya, UNICEF Kenya, USAID Nawiri, Diocese of Lodwar, Amref in Africa Kenya, UNHCR Kenya, Concern Worldwide Kenya, PATH, USAIDUAT, and AIC Health Ministries.

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13TH-14TH AUGUST 2024