February 29, 2024 (Public Communication and Media Relations)

Longolemwar and Kaaleng communities in Turkana North have new water projects courtesy of a partnership between the County Government and USAID Nawiri focused on increasing universal access to water.

It is expected that the two projects will benefit up to 200 households in Kaaleng-Kaikor Ward and, about 40,000 herds of cattle, donkeys, and camels.

The two water projects were handed over to the area’s Water Users Associations (WUAs) at a ceremony presided over by the County Chief Officer for Water Services, David Maraka.
Chief Officer.

David Maraka divulged that the combined cost of the two projects was Ksh 14 million. “The Kaaleng project was Ksh 9 million, while the one at Longolemwar was Ksh 4 million, he said.

The two projects will inject an additional 300,000 liters of safe, clean drinking water into the targeted beneficiaries.

“The two water projects have been fully equipped with solar-powered systems, animal troughs for livestock use, elevated steel tanks, pipeline extensions to nearby learning institutions and health facilities, and a chlorine doser for enhanced water quality,” Chief Maraka said.

The Chief of the Party for USAID Nawiri, Hussein Noor, said that the water project would reduce women’s and children’s vulnerability to persistent acute malnutrition, a common challenge that affects the population in Turkana.

The Chief of Party expressed optimism that the County Department of Water Services would coordinate the provision of routine repair works and train the water users association in a bid to ensure optimal functionality of the system.

The handover of the projects was witnessed by Kaaleng-Kaikor Member of County Assembly (MCA) Abdifatah Kapua, Assistant Director for Water Services, George Aremon, County and National Government administrative officers, and USAID Nawiri staff.

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13TH-14TH AUGUST 2024