March 4, 2024, Lokiriama (Public Communications and Media Relations)

The Department of Energy, Petroleum, and Rural Electrification and Renewable Energy Corporation (REREC) has begun community engagements at the 12 mini grids located in various sites across the county.

The World Bank funded project aims to enhance power connectivity and make a significant stride towards provision of sustainable energy access to underserved communities.

The team, led by the Director for Energy and Petroleum, Engineer Lojore Jackson and REREC representative Samuel Olela, conducted its first community engagement in Lorengippi, Lokiriama Sub County.

Eng. Lojore highlighted that the project was in-line with the Governor’s Nine Point Agenda. The County’s core objective of reaching a 40% energy access rate by 2030 is a substantial increase from the current 14.8% energy connectivity rate.

Director Eng. Lojore further expressed confidence in achieving this goal and stressed the county government’s commitment to sustainable development.

The targeted areas for the mini grids also include Oropoi in Turkana West; Kibish, Kaikor and Kokuro in Kibish; Kanakurudio and Nachukui in Turkana North; Kalokol and Namukuse in Turkana Central; and finally, Lochwangiamatak, Napusimoru, and Lomunyenakwan in Turkana South.

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13TH-14TH AUGUST 2024