March 6, 2024, Lodwar (Public Communications and Media Relations)

Deputy Governor Dr John Erus held talks with Welthungerhilfe (WHH) representatives who paid a courtesy call at the County Government Headquarters.

In his remarks, DG Dr Erus appreciated WHH Kenya for implementing projects in the county calling on enhanced partnerships across all sectors.

“Water access still remains the county government’s top priority hence the need to collaborate and find innovative solutions to reduce distance of access to water systems from 60km to 15kms,” he said.

The Deputy Governor pointed out that the impact of initiatives should not only focus on food security but economic boost through grants and boosting value chains for our own source revenue.

The DG further urged the representatives to integrate the One Health strategy approach which he said is a game changer and also called for the integration of the refugee community in projects.

WHH Programmes Expert, Camilla Schynoll, acknowledged the County Government’s contribution on their projects in their collaboration which have been instrumental in the implementation of WHH Projects in the County.

She noted that in their impact and needs assessment the community highlighted the water access challenges, however shared their appreciation for the nutrition outreach.

Also present were Directors Dr Benson Longor (Veterinary Services), Aaron Nanok (Agriculture), Dr Erenious Nakadio (Ag. Veterinary Services) and John Bett (Fisheries).

WHH Representatives Zinnea Kpadeli (Liberia), Karolin Khula (Germany), Jackline Kendi (Nairobi), Sintayehu Ayele (Ethiopia), Damaris Karungo (Nairobi), Tanja Heimann (Germany) and Phillip Ewoton (Turkana).

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13TH-14TH AUGUST 2024