March 7, 2024, Lodwar (Public Communications and Media Relations)

County Livestock Production Directorate officers and Welthungerhilfe (WHH) representatives have conducted an impact assessment exercise on food security projects in Turkana West Sub- County.

The visited projects, funded by Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (Norad), and implemented by WHH in partnership with the County Government were Lonyuduk Community Pasture Farm and bee keeping in Oropoi.

The aim of the pasture farm is to enhance food security through Gala goats breeding, pasture value chains and agroforestry. Meanwhile, the bee keeping project aims to strengthen livelihoods of target groups through increased income.

Speaking at the Lonyuduk Pasture farm, Director Deputy for Livestock Production Josephine Emase emphasized the department was committed to leveraging resources towards transforming hay farming to improve livelihoods and job creation.

“The Department is supporting farmers with capacity building and the farm will be a centre of excellence for training other farmers in the County on pasture farming,” she said.

Director Emase further added that the department would facilitate the production of quality honey especially in Namaniko area that will access the both the National and International market.

WHH representative and team lead, Camilla Schynoll, appreciated the achievements achieved by the projects as she learnt through the interaction with the community.
She emphasized on the need to co-create activities with the County Government to achieve the goal of sustainable food security.

Since its inception a year ago, the projects have produced 5000 Kilograms of feeds and 200 bales of hay on 8.5 Acre farm. For the honey, the beekeepers are able to retail Ksh.300 per kilogram.

The bee keeping project is targeting 100 households in Oropoi, Nawouwontos, Namaniko, Nawotom, Lokwanya/Lomunyanakirionok, Lochorereng and Lomidat; all Turkana West Sub-County.

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13TH-14TH AUGUST 2024