March 14, 2024 (Public Communication and Media Relations)

Hundreds of Lochorangkalalio residents and their livestock turned up for the One Health outreach, dubbed “Kimormor”, which seeks to bring government services closer to the pastoralists residing along the international borders.

The two-day exercise, which is a collaborative effort of the County Government and multiple stakeholders, aimed to provide outpatient services, immunization, eye care services, and nutrition.

It also aimed to increase the uptake of animal health services to control zoonotic diseases among the pastoralist community. It also offered identification cards (ID) and birth certificate registration as well as National Hospital Insurance Fund registration.

The activity was also part of an assessment of USAID Kenya Mission Deputy Director Health Office Heidi O’Bra and team who were in the county to experience first-hand the ‘Kimormor’ activity as well as interact with the community and service providers.

Through her engagements, O’Bra expressed her appreciation for the partnership in implementing the one health approach terming it a milestone towards a healthy population.

“The visit and feedback from the community will inform on continued support for the initiative,” she said.

On behalf of the community, Mzee Kodet appreciated the County government and its partners for integrating one health outreach service which he said has improved both human and animal health in the region.

He also appealed for more veterinary extension services particularly vaccination and treatment to other parts of the sub-county.

Two hundred and twenty-seven households benefitted from animal health services with 4449 goats, 3313 sheep, 400 cattle, and 518 camels vaccinated and treated.

On human health, 240 children and adults were treated while 145 women received ANC services. On nutrition, 279 children and pregnant and lactating mothers were screened. Over 500 immunization injections were administered with the HPV vaccine being the highest at 80.

Stakeholders involved in the outreach were County Government officers from Health, Livestock Development, and Environment as well as partner representatives from USAID Imarisha Jamii, International Rescue Committee, Core Group Partners’ Project, TUPADO, and Save the Children.

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13TH-14TH AUGUST 2024