Lodwar, March 15, 2024 (Public Communications and Media Relations)

The County Health and Sanitation Department conducted a review of its 2023 performance scorecard for the Tuberculosis (TB) program which showed that its cure rate had improved from 43% to 50% and treatment success rate from 71% to 83%.

The objective of the meeting, supported by World Relief, was to review previous indicators, and gaps encountered and provide feedback for the success of the Tuberculosis program.

Speaking during the meeting, County Chief Officer for Preventive and Promotive, Peter Lomorukai said that Turkana East sub-county had recorded a high number due to intensified TB screenings conducted.

“We should replicate what has been achieved in Turkana East, emphasizing screening and tests, especially in untested children,” he said.

Chief Lomorukai urged the sub-county TB focal persons to identify interventions on the average monthly consumption of commodity stock.

Director of Preventive and Promotive, Dr. Bonventure Ameyo, echoed the need for more pediatric screening and testing for children below the age of 2 years.

“There is a need to fast track and improve on indicators to enhance performance outcomes,” he said.

According to the statistics, the trends of Drug-Resistant Tuberculosis (DR-TB) cases have significantly reduced due to an increase in treatment outcomes.

County Tuberculosis and Lung Coordinator, Dr. Job Okemwa, urged key players to ensure accuracy in distributing the correct Drug-Resistant Tuberculosis (DR-TB) regimen per eligible patient.

“We seek to improve Drug-Resistant Tuberculosis (DR-TB) surveillance for new and previously tested patients,” he said.

The team shared action plans to clarify the timeliness, and follow-ups, and enable improvements on data reporting tools for increased case notification by 20% through strengthening healthcare facilities.

On the other hand, World Relief representative, Dennis Erot, requested the county team to offer their support on contact tracing to reduce the spread of TB cases.

Other teams present were the county and Sub-County Health Management and USAID Imarisha officers.


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13TH-14TH AUGUST 2024