Turkana County Sectoral Teams Build Synergies with USAID Partners in Pursuit of Joint Work Planning

Lodwar, March 14, 2024 (Public Communications and Media Relations)

After a day’s field visit to Elelea Irrigation Scheme community in Turkana East for a cross-knowledge learning activity, the USAID Resilience Learning Activity (RLA), which is the secretariat to the Partnership for Resilience and Economic Growth (PREG) Partners and the County Government Sector teams moderated the quarterly review sessions (pause and reflect) in a deliberate move geared towards reaffirming the collaborative efforts and joint commitments outlined in the FY’23/24 Joint Work Plans (JWP).

The JWP process helps both partners and government departments to document the progress made in the implementation of quarterly priorities of FY’ 23/24 and how that has impacted on the next fiscal years in terms of co-creation, co-implementation, co- monitoring and co-reporting modalities.

In his remarks, the County Director of Resource Mobilisation and Partnerships, Raphael Logum commended USAID and its PREG Coordination platform that is aimed at improving efficiency and collaboration in the JWP process between the County Government and the implementing partners.

“We thank USAID in its effort in encouraging implementing partners in Turkana, to engage County Government and other sector partners in co-creation processes in the development of the joint work plans as part of USAID’s new way of doing business, while building synergies in pursuit of efficient service delivery,” said Director Logum.

In addition to this, the eight sector leads from the county highlighted detailed implementation progress of the JWP FY’23/24 activities that included challenges, causes and consequences, opportunities, learnings, and best practices.

The two-day review meeting follows a series of co-creation sessions in the development of the joint work plans between USAID Implementing Partners and the County Government to provide an opportunity for a multi-sectoral planning to enhance collaboration, identify opportunities for leveraging on what the county government and USAID partners are doing, eliminate duplication, and jointly examine data, evidence, and past progress to identify priority areas for the next fiscal year.

The meeting was co-hosted by the County Government and USAID PREG coordination mechanism and local service provider LOKADO, a local organisation sub-granted by USAID RLA to provide support in implementing the JWP initiative in Turkana.

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13TH-14TH AUGUST 2024