Lodwar, March 18, 2024 (Public Communications and Media Relations)

Deputy Governor, Dr John Erus hosted a high-level delegation from the Norwegian Embassy, led by Ambassador Gunnar Andreas Holm, to discuss ongoing development projects and explore new avenues for collaboration in Turkana County.

The Deputy Governor expressed gratitude for Norway’s longstanding support.

Amb Gunnar Holm highlighted that Norwegian support has played a crucial role in Turkana’s development on ongoing projects implemented through partners such as the Shirika Plan in Kakuma, healthcare, and education programs.

Dr Erus highlighted the following; continued infrastructure development, water programs completion, and support for urban development in Kakuma through the Shirika Plan; support for Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) programs aligned with local value chains in the sub-county; support on equipping health facilities with more equipped ambulances; expanding the social protection law; and more funding on proper coordination and support the county assembly to be robust on issues of public participation.

County Executive for Health and Sanitation, Dr Francis Mariao emphasized the critical need for and importance of a level six hospital, a flagship project of the Governor, to stabilize health services along the borders. They also requested support for cross-border initiatives in healthcare highlighting the ongoing work in combating acute malnutrition.

The County Executive for Trade, David Erukudi emphasized the need to open trade corridors, establish a functional ‘biashara’ center in Kakuma, and enhance cross-border security measures.

County Executive for Water Services, Faith Aletea acknowledged the need for more boreholes to address both human and livestock needs. She mentioned the construction of dams along the border for pastoralists as a proposed long-term solution while highlighting water salinity as a challenge that requires innovative solutions.

County Executive for Education, Leah Audan, talked about the need for social protection programs, particularly in empowering people with disabilities (PWDs) and the Ilimanyang community through the construction of social amenities.

County Executive for Roads Patrick Losike emphasized the importance of accessibility in fostering trade, security, and peacebuilding; calling for extended infrastructure to neighboring countries to strengthen regional connections.

Other Executive County Government Officials present include Deputy County Secretary- Dr. Albert Gamoe, Chief Officer Medical Services- Dr. Gilchrist Mario, Chief Officer Water- David Maraka, and Chief Officer Economic Planning- Ekaale Ekitela.

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13TH-14TH AUGUST 2024