March 28, 2024 (Public Communication and Media Relations)

The County Government has announced a plan to tarmac a three-kilometer road from Cooperative Bank Roundabout to St. Kevin’s Secondary School in Lodwar Municipality in the current financial year.

The County Executive for Roads, Transport, and Public Works, Patrick Lokaimoe revealed this when he handed over the site to the contractor.

The project costing Sh.195 million, will be expected to enhance the general outlook of Lodwar Municipality and open up the areas for further development. This will also cover the streetlights, drainage, and walkways along the 3km tarmac road.

Accompanied by fellow CECM for Lands, Physical Planning and Urban Areas Management, Peter Akono, and the Chair, House Committee on Roads, Transport, and Public Works- Mathew Allany who is also the MCA for Kan’gatotha, CECM Lokaimoe asked the contractor to immediately commence the works to complete in good time.

“While we hand over the site, the contractor is under clear instructions to commence and complete the works not later than October this year. The six-month period is also well captured in the project documents,” the County Executive for Roads said.

He added that Engineers from the Department will be available on the site to ensure the contractor adheres to the required standards.

To prevent potential harm during the construction period, The Roads Executive advised adherence to the project implementation plan on the provision of safety gear and protection of the construction area.

At the same time, the County Executive for Lands, Peter Akono, said that the project aligns with the county’s commitment to upgrade urban areas in Turkana to enhance the quality of services offered.

“Once complete, this road will open up the area to new investors who will take advantage of its existence. It is through this that I urge the contractor to do a commendable job,” he said.

The said road is expected to raise the number of tarmacked roads in the Lodwar Municipality to eight.

Previous tarmacked roads included Lands Roundabout to County Assembly, Mkeka grounds to Moi Gardens, KWFT to St. Teresa’s Nadrikonyen, KWFT to Soweto and California areas, Kwa Robert Roundabout to Kanamkemer Catholic Parish, Nawoitorong and Kerio roads.

The Chair, Committee on Lands, Physical Planning and Urban Areas and Christine Tatoi, Chair, Lodwar Municipality Board were also present.

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13TH-14TH AUGUST 2024