Lodwar, April 2, 2024 (Public Communications and Media Relations)

The Department of Health and Sanitation senior management team participated in a county entry meeting for the Tuberculosis (TB) Implementation Framework Agreement (TIFA) project, which seeks to strengthen cross-border coordination of TB Control in Loima and Turkana West Sub-counties.

This project was funded by Jon Snow Incorporation (JSI) through United States Agency for International Development (USAID), and is set to improve the linkage of referral of TB patients and case identification and notification.

According to the Chief Officer (CO) for Preventive and Promotive, Peter Lomorukai, the nomadic nature of the population along borders has led to challenges in access to TB treatment, follow-up of patients, and diagnostic services.

He further urged the project implementers, National TB Program and Centre for Health Solutions Kenya, to utilise the community health promoters.

The project will be using the One Health approach to reach the pastoralists. The One Health method recognizes that the health of people is closely connected to the health of animals and our shared environment. The project will therefore be offering additional essential health and veterinary services to complement the TB screening activities.

Representing his counterpart for Livestock Development, the Chief Officer for Fisheries, Evans Lomodei said that the department was committed to the One Health strategy as the key livelihood of the county, pastoralism, would be safeguarded.

In their recommendations, Director for Public Health, Alfred Emanman emphasized the need to conduct community entry engagement and include health promotion and public health in its implementation. Dr Ekiru Kidalio, Medical Services Director, highlighted that the Targeted Universal Testing for TB strategy should be considered in the program as it has proven to enhance TB prevention and control.

The County Tuberculosis Leprosy and Lung Diseases Coordinator, Dr Job Okemwa, presented the preliminary list of outreach sites which he said would be synchronised in the scheduled engagements with the sub-county management teams.

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13TH-14TH AUGUST 2024