Lodwar, 4th April 2024 (Governor’s Press Service)

Governor Jeremiah Lomorukai has emphasised that his administration will continue working with the County Assembly in the implementation of the nine-point development agenda.

Speaking today when he launched the upgrade of the 3-kilometers of roads to bitumen within the Lodwar Municipality, Governor Lomorukai said it was within the provision of the constitution for the legislative and the Executive arms of the County Government to work together.

The 3 kilometers of upgraded roads will include equipping with non-motorized transport facilities, drainage works, street lights and enhancement of the overall functionality and safety of the targeted streets.

He dismissed claims that MCAs had failed in their oversight role and insisted that the County Government will increase the budget meant for development projects.

In his remarks, Governor Lomorukai said the launch was part of his administration transformative agenda that’s geared towards enhancing the infrastructure of the Lodwar Municipality and the county.

He said completion of the municipality roads will offer relief to residents of Lodwar who had endured the challenges posed by unpaved roads – dust, mud, and uneven surfaces which hindered travel and economic growth.

Governor Lomorukai lauded MCAs for supporting government policies and underscored how improved road infrastructure in Turkana was crucial in attracting investment, facilitating trade, and unlocking the full potential of local businesses.

He said: “The upgrading of these roads will stimulate economic activity, creating new opportunities for our residents.With better roads, we anticipate increased commerce, job creation, and overall prosperity for our municipality.”

Governor Lomorukai announced that the County Government will continue with upgrade of all streets within Lodwar Municipality to bitumen status, improve fire services, undertake beautification of the town and enhance market places to boost local business.

He outlined his development agenda meant to improve livelihoods with focus on water provision. The programs, he said, will be funded through the County Government’s annual budget and matching grants from the National Government.

Governor Lomorukai informed the County Commissioner there should be negotiation over the headquarters of Aroo Sub-County as a majority of people in Turkana South wanted headquarters to be placed in Kainuk.

Deputy Governor Dr. John Erus said the County Government was steadfast in implementation of its development agenda and urged professionals to be responsible to avoid dividing leaders on social media platforms.

Speaker Christopher Nakuleu dismissed claims that the County Assembly had failed in its oversight role and insisted that the two arms of Government were dependent in operation.

On the Aroo Sub-County headquarters, Speaker Nakuleu warned against politicization on the new sub-counties and stressed that the history and geographical location of Kainuk was best suited to host its administrative offices.

County Commissioner Julius Kavita warned perpetrators of crimes and urged leaders and clergy to help in spreading message of unity and peace amongst community members.

Deputy County Secretary Dr. Albert Gamoe; County Executives David Erukudi (Trade), Dr. Michael Eregae (Finance), Peter Akono (Lands), Faith Aletea (Water) and Patrick Losike (Roads).

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13TH-14TH AUGUST 2024