Governor Jeremiah Lomorukai today hosted UNHCR’s Head of Kakuma Sub-Office Nanduri Sateech at the County headquarters in Lodwar.

The discussion centered on collaboration between the County Government and United Nation(UN) agencies as well as as auctioning of the UN vehicles thats slated for tommorow in Kakuma.

In his remarks, Governor Lomorukai acknowledged the support of UNHCR in complementing government programs and suggested crafting of policies to minimise conflicts arising from distribution of resources to host community and the refugees.

He said “As a County Government we are appreciative of the many years of support from the United Nation(UN).The presence of this development partners should have positive implication to the communities economic growth”

The County boss said locals in Turkana have been hospitable to other communities and reiterated the need by the leadership of UNHCR to look into the conduct of refugees which he said was unbecoming.

“Now we have integrated the refugees there should be a behavioral change to reflect discipline to the host and not create chaos even on highways” said the Governor.

Governor Lomorukai welcomed the move to auction the vehicles but insisted on fairness in prices now that it has been decided to be sold to locals who had no capacity to stake high prices for the UN vehicles.

On his part, Nanduri Sateech assured that the UNHCR will continue working with the County Government to strengthen partnerships that will be beneficial to the host community and the refugees.

He expressed optimism that the process of auctioning the vehicles will be undertaken smoothly.

Deputy County secretary Joseph Nyang’a and County Executives David Erukudi(Trade), Peter Akono(Lands), Faith Aletea(Water), and Patrick Losike(Infrastructure) were in attendance.

County Chief of Staff Peter Loyapan, Fisheries Chief Officer Evans Lomodei and Director for Resource Mobilisation.

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13TH-14TH AUGUST 2024