Kalokol, April 9, 2024 (Public Communications and Media Relations)

The County Chief Officer for Energy and Mineral Resources has warned players in the mining sector that the County Government will not tolerate illegal activities at mining sites in Turkana.

Speaking during an inspection visit of the Nakepokon mining site at Kapua in Kalokol Ward, Chief Officer Triza Amoni said that the County had been empowered by the Mining Police Unit to detect and prosecute such activities, noting that the department was up to the task.

Nakepokon is a well-known site for gypsum and bentonite, precious stones that serve as raw materials for end products in agriculture, fashion, construction, and lubricant value chains.

“We have received reports that some miners are using excavators at the sites, yet this is not permissible. We have also been told that some contractors are taking advantage of the mine workers. We will investigate and take action against those breaking the law,” Chief Officer Triza Amoni said.

Additionally, Chief Officer Amoni asked mine workers to adhere to the basic safety requirements of wearing protective gear and abstaining from alcohol when working at the sites, noting that the county was committed to improving the conditions and welfare of artisanal miners.

“I am also here to communicate that Governor Lomorukai is committed to uplifting the welfare of artisanal miners, and that is why the department has been empowered to conduct such inspection visits, undertake training and equip miners,” CCO Triza Amoni added.

While emphasizing the need for the formation of cooperatives in the artisanal mining sector, CCO Amoni urged the miners to join existing or form new Saccos for their prosperity and sustainable growth.

Speaking on behalf of the miners, Peter Ekiru said that the miners will work closely with the County, especially in reporting malpractices at the mining sites.

“We truly appreciate this inspection visit and even encourage the office to conduct more visits across all the mines in Turkana,” Peter Ekiru said.

Peter Ekiru further asked the County to assist them in negotiating for better pay of their products, citing that the current Kshs 150 paid by contractors for a wheelbarrow should be increased to kshs 200.

The inspection comes at a time when the Energy and Minerals unit is engaging the special police unit responsible for enforcing adherence to mining laws in Kenya.

The Chief Officer was accompanied by Stanley Loter (Director Mineral Resources), Elim Areman (Deputy director Mineral Resources), and Michael Ejikon (Mining Inspector).

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13TH-14TH AUGUST 2024