Lodopuwa, April 10, 2024 (Public Communications and Media Relations)

In a significant move to deal with inadequacy of water availability for livestock in Aroo Sub-County for some time now, Turkana County Government has handed over a desilting and expansion project of a water pan located at Lodopuwa village, Kakongu unit, Lobokat Ward.

The project, costing Kshs 18 million marks an important milestone in the ongoing efforts by the County Government to diversify water access for 500 households, as well as, serving 25,000 livestock units. not only for human consumption but also for livestock and agricultural production.

The Deputy Director for Water Services, Frederick Rukoo, issued the handover certificate to the contractor, marking the official commencement of the project.

Eng Rukoo underscored the county’s commitment to ensuring successful completion of the project within the approved standards before May 30 2024.

The site hand over to a contractor was with a specific task to double the current water pan capacity from 20,000 to 40,000M3, increasing its ability to harness surface runoff from the Kakong’u riverine.

The Village Administrator, Nadit Echwa, emphasized the urgent need for the expansion project, highlighting its potential to address the longstanding water challenges facing the residents.

Echwa noted that the current water pan infrastructure serves only a fraction of the population and expressed optimism that the expanded facility would extend its benefits to a wider area, including residents of the neighbouring Lomunyenkirion, Nariamao, Kalemung’orok, Kedulach and Kakong’u villages.

Community members represented by the elder Nakure Tioko Itao, expressed heartfelt gratitude for the initiative, emphasizing the transformative impact of the expanded water pan would have on their livelihoods.

Itao said the additional water would also support agricultural activities, pasture regeneration and small-scale farming.

Once completed, the project promises to ease pressure on the existing two points located at the local Dispensary and the Church.

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13TH-14TH AUGUST 2024