A team from the Kenya Development Response to Displacement Impacts Project (KDRDIP), funded by the World Bank, held a meeting with the County Executive led by Governor Jeremiah Lomorukai. The meeting held today follows the successful completion of the project’s first phase in Turkana County this month.

Governor Lomorukai lauded the World Bank for its role in bringing much-needed infrastructure projects to the County and promised to work towards extending the project’s second phase in order to benefit more residents.

He remarked, “The World Bank Group is an integral partner, powering infrastructural development that meet critical needs of the community.”

The Governor also pinpointed his cordial working relationship with development partners (captured in agenda 9) as a catalyst for achieving his vision for the county.

“Together with development partners, the County Government has made great progress in healthcare, agriculture, education, and many other sectors,” he said.

Deputy Governor Dr. John Erus echoed these sentiments, expressing gratitude for the partners that support the Governor’s nine-point development agenda.

He said, “we are grateful for the strategic combined partner efforts. However, more should be done to benefit the local community as guided by the recently passed local content bill which amplifies community interests.”

Project Manager Wilfred Omari urged the County Government to follow up on the request for extension to the World Bank, submitted through the Cabinet Secretary of the National Treasury. He also emphasized on the need to accelerate efforts to secure additional funding for projects that can stimulate economic growth in Turkana.

Further discussions centred on the sustainability of programmes, which include programs designed to unlock the county’s economic potential.

The World Bank was represented by Task Team Lead, Stephen Matthews and IFC Liaison Officer for Turkana County Lolem Peter who is also the Governor’s advisor for Partnerships, Resource Mobilisation and Intergovernmental Relations.

Senior County Officials present included the County Executive for Finance Dr Michael Eregae, Deputy County Secretaries Dr Albert Gamoe and Joseph Nyang’a, Chief Officer for the Office of the Governor Paul Lodung’a, Director Veterinary Services Dr Benson Longor, among others.

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13TH-14TH AUGUST 2024