County asks Energy Sector Partners to support development of Turkana Energy Centre in Kakuma


The County Government has prioritised the development of Turkana Energy Centre in Kakuma this year. This follows the potential availability for solar, wind, hydro, geothermal and other renewable, as well as the traditional energy sources.

While meeting the Rural Electrification and Renewable Energy Corporation (REREC) team, who paid her a courtesy call, the Chief Officer for Mineral Resources, Energy and Petroleum, Triza Amoni said the development of an Energy Centre in Turkana, involves creating a hub that will be critical for generation, distribution and management of energy resources.

Noting the importance of energy sources in Turkana, she asked the REREC and other stakeholders in the Energy Sector to consider supporting the development of the Centre, as it requires a multi-agency approach that integrates all the necessary disciplines and policy considerations to create a sustainable and efficient source of power for the future.

Chief Amoni, further added that the development of the Energy Centre in Kakuma, would be an ideal place as it is at the proximity of the immense support of energy sector partners working for the host and refugee community.

According to her, the pilot project will cost Ksh. 100 million. After Kakuma, she said, the centre will be established in Lodwar and other urban towns.

The REREC team leader, Diana Khalwale said she was optimistic that after signing of the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) in due course, the Corporation will engage the County Government in all the potential areas of collaboration.

She also took the opportunity to inform the CCO of the two projects in Kerio and Kaeris that are due for commissioning by the president.

Present in the meeting were; Geoffrey Eregae (Deputy Director, Energy), Hosea Ameripus (Assistant Director, Administration), Samuel Ebei and Kaerebur John (Energy Inspectors)

The team accompanying REREC Leader included; Nancy Ondicho (Surveyor), Collins Waswa (Communication Officer) and Samuel Mwongela (Land Officer).

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13TH-14TH AUGUST 2024