Nakwamoru and Kapelibok schemes inspected ahead of completion


The schemes which were scheduled for rehabilitation and handed over to contractors were inspected by Officials from the Agriculture and Land reclamation Department.


The 12.5 hectares (ha) Nakwamoru model drip irrigation project whose scope of works include construction of Steel tank of capacity 50,000 litres, Installation of 29 Shade nets of size( 8 by 15) meter and drilling and solarization of a borehole is set to benefit 208 households in the area.


Other works include Installation of Open drip systems in 4.75 ha of the farm, Laying of Pipelines (rising main,sub main, distribution), Laying of Drip kits in the 29 shade nets and in the 4.75 ha farm among others.


On the other hand, 610 households are set to benefit from the 72.5 ha Kapelibok Irrigation scheme works which entails the construction of conventional intake structure complete with pre-sedimentation and siltation basin including protection, bush clearing and excavation of 3451m main canal, Lining of 80m main canal as per specifications among other works.


Speaking while leading the Inspection team, Ag. Director for Land reclamation Peter Loree applauded the contractor for the progress made so far as he assured of the department’s support towards the success of the projects.


“Being a flagship project, the Governor is keen to ensure it is completed in time and handed over for use to the community.” He emphasized.


He also urged the committee to support the contractor and tasked them to utilize the scheme well through planting indigenous vegetables to realize the objective of sustainable food production.


The projects are initiatives of the County Government to enhance food production towards the realization of the Governor’s food security agenda.


The two projects will inject and enhance production of food in the county’s basket through yields of assorted high value horticultural crops such as kales, tomatoes, Okras, cowpeas, green grams, onions, carrots, water melons and butter nuts.


The Inspection team also comprised of Hillary Saina (Engineer) Pius Ekidor (Accountant), Robert Ekai ( Procurement), Joel Ekutan ( Administration), Kaputir Ward Administrator Cosmas Kibele and Harry Epur (Ward Agricultural Officer).

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13TH-14TH AUGUST 2024