In Turkana County, partners launch KISEDP Project Phase 2 in Kalobeyei, Kakuma municipality

Deputy Governor Dr John Erus and delegations from UNHCR and Garissa County met Kalobeyei Integrated Socio-Economic Development Program (KISEDP) implementing partners at the UNHCR Kakuma sub-office in Turkana. Their discussions centered on evaluating the progress of KISEDP in Turkana and Garissa refugee camps to necessitate the launch of KISEDP phase two.

The Deputy Governor emphasized the need for robust monitoring and evaluation frameworks to ensure effective implementation and results tracking. He also highlighted the Shirika Plan initiative, advocating for long-term investment in projects for sustainable socio-economic development.

“We are thrilled to embark on the second phase of this project. This presents us with an opportunity to enact legislation that fosters societal development,” lauded DG Erus.

The development partners involved in KISEDP include the World Food Programme, Inko Moko, KDII, UNICEF, Peace Winds Japan, Kenya Red Cross Society, Big Heart Foundation, Malteser International, and the German Corporation, among others.

The meeting was also attended by delegations from UNHCR and Garissa, along with senior county officials led by Deputy County Secretary Joseph Nyang’a, Director Resource Mobilization Raphael Logum, and Deputy Director Resource Mobilization Mike Aupe, among others.

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13TH-14TH AUGUST 2024