Lodwar, April 24, 2024 (Public Communications and Media Relations)

Lodwar Municipality management has tasked the County Waste Management Advisory Committee with the responsibility of providing solutions to the emerging garbage challenge in urban areas of Turkana.

The committee, a multi-agency team of experts from public health, environment, climate change, community-based organizations, and water and urban area management, is an outfit created by the Public Health Directorate to guide the safe disposal of all types of waste in the county.

Speaking to the committee members, Lodwar Municipality Manager, Eng Benjamin Tukei, said that the consultations were part of the County Government’s efforts to address the evident garbage menace in the short-term. A long-term solution for proper waste management will be generated within the municipal areas, ensuring adherence to approved disposal protocols.

“Our interest is to take advantage of the wide range of expertise in the committee to come up with sustainable solutions that are both environmentally friendly and legally acceptable,” Municipality Manager Tukei stated.

The Director of Public Health, and a member of the Advisory Committee, Alfred Emanman stated that before providing any additional direction, the committee will first assess all of the interventions that the Municipality Management has already implemented.

Director Emanman stressed the need for the use of waste reduction strategies and the involvement of specialists in handling hazardous waste items.

“One thing we must know is that the municipality area produces all sorts of waste due to its dynamic composition of traders, residents, travelers, and institutions. Success in managing the waste can only be realized through the use of multiple approaches,” Director Emanman advised.

Coming at a time when the county has renewed its focus on upgrading municipal areas in Kakuma and Lodwar, it is expected that more efforts will be put towards public sensitization on waste management strategies, collaborative clean-up exercises, and monitoring of adherence to waste management practices.

Additionally, the efforts will also improve collaboration and alliances between the county and sector players in waste management.

The Advisory Committee is expected to table its recommendations in a month to allow for the inclusion of the proposals in the 2024–2025 budget for mobilization of funds from both the exchequer and partner organizations.

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13TH-14TH AUGUST 2024