By Governor’s Press Services (28-04-2024)

In an event held in Urum village unit today, Lokiriama/Lorengkippi Ward, 32 young men who were previously indicted to 20 years in Ugandan prisons, were received back home.

For proper reintegration, spiritual leaders carried out a cleansing ceremony in order to turn a new page of life for them.

His Excellency hailed the release of the youth as a collaborative effort, noting that, “diverse efforts were put in to actualize their release. I particularly want to recognize the abundant goodwill of the Presidents of Kenya and Uganda towards this end. This would not have been possible, even legally without their support.”

“We also put in significant efforts to secure the transfer of six minors into juvenile prison,” he stated.

Regarding the 58 missing heads of cattle belonging to Ng’woyakwara, the governor sent a stern warning to locals who have it in their possession. “The long arm of the law will catch up with you,” he warned.

On the issue of crossborder tensions, he called for honesty in order to mitigate conflicts.

The County MP, Hon. Cecilia Ng’itit Ishuu called for collaborative efforts among leaders, stating, “we are only stronger together.”

Loima MP Hon. Protus Akujah extended his gratitude to the National Governments of Kenya and Uganda as well as both devolved units of Turkana and Karamoja for their support in securing their release.

“The County Government of Turkana under the stewardship of Governor Lomorukai has dedicated significant amounts of money for this case. Thank you Governor,” he offered.

He urged locals crossing into Uganda to respect existing regulations in Uganda. He also discouraged the people of Turkana against raiding one another.

The Speaker of the Turkana County Assembly Hon. Christopher Doye Nakuleu called for a unity of purpose for the people of Turkana. He urged all leaders to rally their support behind the governor.

He gave a rally call, “let us rally fully behind Governor Lomorukai until he secures his second term. The rest of us will have enough time to seek fresh mandates for the governorship after that.”

The leadership from Uganda, led by Kotido MP Hon. Abraham Loki Lokopirmore called for peaceful coexistence among the Turkana and Karamoja.

He reiterated that, “borders are inconsequential since we all fall under the Ateker umbrella. All that matters is coexisting peacefully.”

Area MCA Hon. Lawrence Lopayo lauded the governor’s leadership acumen and attributed the release of the youth to his unrelenting efforts.

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13TH-14TH AUGUST 2024