Lodwar – May 3, 2024

The County Nutrition Health Technical Forum has convened a meeting to address the disruptions to nutritional services caused by the ongoing floods, focusing particularly on those affected.

The Forum, comprising various nutrition stakeholders, aims at updating interventions geared towards reducing persistent malnutrition in the county. It also serves as a platform for coordinating and collaborating on emergency response efforts.

During the meeting, County Executive for Health and Sanitation, Dr. Francis Mariao, revealed that the government, along with the Kenya Red Cross, is finalising an assessment report on the floods’ impact on nutrition.

Dr. Mariao urged partners to sustain integrated outreaches and prioritize immunisation, particularly due to the persistent measles outbreak that originated in Turkana West and has since spread to Turkana North, Loima, and Lokirima.

“The county’s fully immunised child rate is at 60 percent, leaving 40 percent vulnerable to vaccine-preventable diseases,” noted Dr. Mariao.

Director of Nutrition and Dietetics, Saada Loyokon, highlighted a shift in focus toward addressing malnutrition at the sub-county level.

Partner representatives showcased their ongoing activities such as emergency responses to ensure nutritional supplements reach pregnant and lactating women and children under five. However, concerns were raised about the pilferage of nutritional commodities.

The County Head of Family Health, Gabriel Lopodo, proposed leveraging tracking technology to combat pilferage and diversion of nutritional commodities.

Diocese of Lodwar, WeltHungerHilfe Kenya, Concern Worldwide, Save the Children, USAID Imarisha Jamii, UNICEF Kenya, Kenya Red Cross, World Vision Kenya, USAID Nawiri, ADRA Kenya, WFP, IRC, and Malteser International. Committees were represented in the Forum.

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13TH-14TH AUGUST 2024