Lokichar, May 3, 2024 (Public Communications and Media Relations)

The Department of Agriculture, Livestock Development and Fisheries, in partnership with Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), and Egerton University convened a consultative workshop aimed at reviewing agricultural practices and enhancing agri-nutrition in Turkana County.

The workshop brought together stakeholders, including Irrigation Scheme Chairs, representatives from farmers’ associations, and key figures from the agricultural sector in Turkana.

The discussions focused on the progress of the Groundnuts Commercialization Project in Loima, Turkana West, and Turkana South sub-counties.

The Director for Agriculture, Aaron Nanok, emphasised the directorate’s dedication to tackling food security challenges and enhancing the nutritional well-being of the residents.

“By leveraging the expertise of FAO and Egerton University, this project aims to equip local farmers with the necessary seeds, knowledge, and resources to effectively cultivate groundnuts,” stated Nanok.

The County Crop Officer, Gabriel Okata, stressed the importance of crop diversification and value addition in enhancing food security and income generation within Turkana County. He also highlighted the significant role of groundnuts in improving soil fertility and promoting a diverse diet.

The FAO Liaison Officer, Ambrose Ng’etich, underscored the collaborative nature of the initiative, emphasising the importance of addressing the multifaceted challenges facing agriculture and nutrition in the region. He also added that the establishment of community seed systems and the capacity building of technical personnel as crucial steps towards sustainable solutions for Turkana residents.

Discussions during the workshop encompassed best practices for groundnut cultivation, value-addition techniques, market access strategies, and the registration of groundnut cooperatives.

Experts from Egerton University provided valuable insights into modern agricultural techniques.

The meeting was attended by Emmanuel Essau (Deputy Director of Agriculture), and representatives from Egerton University, led by Bernard Towet (Seed Specialist), Lilian Samoei (Agronomist), and Tirihana Amayu (Crop Protectionist), among others.

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13TH-14TH AUGUST 2024