The County Government in partnership with Tupado and Christian Blind Mission(CBM) has announced a strategic plan that will be keen to see the 500 households at high risk of food insecurity in Kalokol and Kang’atotha Wards, Turkana Central receive monthly cash transfers, 150 households to benefit from 300 Galla goats, while 90 households are to benefit from poultry farming as an alternative livelihood option.

Through a livelihood and resilience program, the Chief Officer of Disaster Management, David Maraka said, we are committed to supporting the most vulnerable communities in times of need and ensuring their resilience in the face of natural disasters. The program will provide much-needed assistance to those adversely affected by the ongoing drought.”

He further added that the livelihood Project targets to restore and rebuild the capacity of not only drought-affected communities but also persons with disabilities in the two Wards.

Chief Maraka lauded the support of the Turkana Pastoralists Development Organization (TUPADO) and other organizations in their involvement in addressing the challenges posed by drought and other disasters in Turkana.

The Disaster Chief called on all the stakeholders in the sector to move with speed to create public awareness of the effects of current flash floods and the need to move to safer grounds as the only effective management strategy.

Additionally, his colleague, the Chief Officer of Gender and Youth Affairs, Joseph Epuu, said to address disaster preparedness, they must also prioritize the needs and concerns of the Turkana youth and gender groups.

Chief Epuu noted that their voices and perspectives are essential in creating effective strategies for safeguarding the community.”

The Chief Executive Officer for CBM indicated the project reflects and focuses on PWDs inclusion in all sectors.

It should seek to empower them by providing opportunities such as access to business enterprises and livelihood activities.

The meeting attendees were: county officials, USAID Nawiri, APaD, NCPWD, Kenya Red Cross, Ehami Aito, UNICEF, Turkana Professional Association (TPA), and KNCC, Turkana Chapter.

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13TH-14TH AUGUST 2024