Lokichogio, May 8, 2024 (Public Communication and Media Relations)

The Deputy Governor Dr John Erus has called for a unified effort of multi-sectoral team to address livelihood challenges in the region, stressing the need to critically tackle malnutrition, food insecurity, droughts, and disasters in Turkana.

Speaking at a meeting in Lokichoggio, aimed at disseminating the findings of a two-year Longitudinal Study on malnutrition in Turkana, Dr Erus said, “programmes implementing their interventions based on evidence from the research globally, are more likely to succeed in their intentions as compared to those who do not adopt,”

The DG also lauded the partners for their support to vulnerable communities in fighting against malnutrition, drought and immediate response to disasters.

The workshop supported by USAID Nawiri interrogated key findings and implications on longitudinal study towards sustainable reduction of malnutrition through participatory and sustainable interventions.

Further, Dr Erus stated that partner’s efforts are instrumental in improving the well-being of our people and building resilience in the face of adversity. The study will aid the county’s efforts in improving nutrition and enrich our plan on addressing malnutrition and food insecurity.

While acknowledging the importance of research in planning, the He appreciated USAID Nawiri for expressing intent in training and capacity building the County’s technical team across all sectors, on effective concept writing and report outlining, which he said, will aid in the implementation of government projects and providing sustainable interventions.

DG also urged partners to sensitise the public on safety measures during the ongoing rainy season, emphasising on the need for preparedness to prevent disasters and mitigate their impact. Dr Erus stressed the importance of collaboration and coordination among all stakeholders to ensure a comprehensive and effective response to the challenges facing Turkana.

USAID Nawiri’s Research and Design Lead, Faith Thuita said “the focus to fight malnutrition in Turkana is based on investment in research to generate evidence-based data for action. I also urge the various government sectors to utilise the evidence from the study. Investment in human capital development will also create sustainable solutions for persistent malnutrition.”

Key National and County technical teams in Administration, Disaster, Agriculture, Water, Livestock, Fisheries, Health and Partners were part of the workshop.

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13TH-14TH AUGUST 2024