Lokichar – 14th May,2024
The County Government is turning to digital livestock disease surveillance to improve the functionality of Community Disease Reporters(CDRs) in its bid to improve livestock disease reporting.

This has been driven by a training session organized by PlantVillage in Partnership with the County Government that aimed to enhance early detection and prompt response to disease outbreaks.

It also sought to train 30 CDRs on proficiency in reporting using the PlantVillage updated Application and thereafter pilot the functionality of the application.

Chief Officer for Livestock Development, Dr Ezekiel Etelej, while officiating the training urged the CDRs to utilize the proficiency gained from the training to help improve livestock monitoring.

“The training is meant to advance CDRs to enable effective livestock disease reporting. Timely and accurate transmission is an efficient approach to disease prevention and control towards intensified livestock production,” he said.

The CO also emphasized the county’s commitment to support CDRs through the Animal Health Act that looks to recruit 1500 CDRs on stipend challenging the CDRs to use the professional skills and knowledge gained as a match for consideration as well as training other community members.

CCO Ezekiel also noted that Sub-County Veterinary Officers have been deployed to the newly added Sub-Counties of Lokichoggio, Lokiriama, Aroo, and Suguta as he urged the respective CDRs to work closely with the posted Officers to enhance service delivery.

PlantVillage’s Dr Catherine Karungo said that the Organization successfully conducted phase one training of CDRs on livestock disease syndromes and reporting hence the implementation of the second phase that involved the training of the CDR Representatives across the County on reporting using the App.

“CDRs shall be issued with smartphones including provision of data bundles and airtime to facilitate reporting,” she said.

She further said the app would help avert threats to livestock through enhanced linkages between the community disease reporters and veterinary officers across the County.

Informed by the success of the locust surveillance program, PlantVillage found a need to develop and replicate existing technologies and systems to support efforts of early detection and long-term monitoring of livestock diseases in Kenya hence the drive to implement in Turkana through collaboration with the County to develop a community-based livestock disease surveillance tool.

Director for Veterinary Services Dr. Benson Longor, His Deputy Dr. Erenious Nakadio, Dr. Job Ronoh, PlantVillage Officers, and Village Administrators were in attendance.

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13TH-14TH AUGUST 2024