Lodwar – May 16, 2024


The County Executive for Tourism, Culture, Natural Resources, and Climate Change, Audan Leah Lokala, has assured players in the energy sector of the county’s commitment to create an enabling environment for enhanced partner participation.


Speaking to the representative of Renewvia Energy Kenya who paid a courtesy call to her office, CEC Audan emphasised that the energy sector in Turkana had great potential for growth waiting to be unlocked through partnerships.


According to the CEC, Renewvia Energy had demonstrated the crucial role of partnership in promoting inclusive approaches to energy access for the underserved through the installation of mini-grids at Kakuma.


“As an office, we have formally received your request for a letter of no objection to expand energy access to Kalobeyei through the installation of a mini-grid capable of generating 2.4 megawatts of power,” said CECM.


The Customer Service Manager at Renewvia Energy Kenya and the team leader of the delegation, Kennedy Odhiambo, expressed appreciation to the county executive for the support as the proposed expand would benefit the community.


Odhiambo highlighted that the company had directly impacted more than 4000 households at Kakuma by connecting them to power for lighting, learning, security, and the operation of daily used appliances like mobile phones.


Noting that Renewvia relied heavily on solar energy that is both green and renewable, Odhiambo said that the company’s intervention directly contributed to environmental conservation while at the same time improving the livelihoods of the beneficiaries.


Present during the courtesy visit included; County Chief officer for Energy, Petroleum and mining, Triza Arus Amoni and Directors – Eng. Jackson Lojore (Energy and Petroleum production) and Stanley Loter (Mineral resources).

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13TH-14TH AUGUST 2024