Naduat – 17th May, 2024


The Principal Secretary in the State Department of Mining, Elijah Mwangi, has insisted that only licensed miners would be allowed to operate in the Naduat Gold Mines in Nakakale Ward, Turkana North Sub-county.


He added that the local Artisanal Mining Committee chair to expedite the issuance of licenses to all artisanal miners operating at the mine no later than June 30, 2024.


Speaking during his visit in Naduat, the PS added that artisanal miners had suffered a great deal owing to the existence of cartels and middlemen operating without valid licenses to the disadvantage to artisanal miners.


The PS noted that the National Mining Department was in the process of cleaning up the register of miners with a view to weeding out those with expired licenses.


The County Executive for Tourism, Culture, Natural Resources and Climate Change, Audan Leah Lokala Lokala stressed the need for licensing as directed by the PS, saying that the county would implement the directive to the fullest.


She also welcomed plans by the State Department of Mining to support the equipping and capacity building of artisanal miners in Turkana moving forward.


The PS divulged that Kenya had conducted a geophysical survey and mapped up to 970 minerals, of which 21 are found in Turkana, highlighting Turkana’s potential.


“It is our intention as the government to ensure that locals benefit from the minerals existing in their respective areas; it is for this reason that we ask artisanal miners to join cooperative societies for empowerment and compliance,” said PS Mwangi.


Before the visit, PS Elijah Mwangi in the company of Cabinet Secretary for Mining, Blue Economy, and Maritime Affairs Salim Mvurya who had had paid a courtesy call to the Governor Jeremiah Lomorukai.


County officials present included, Stanley Loter (Director for Mining) Hosea Ameripus (Principal Administrator) and Micklam Eregae and Michael Ejikon (Mining Inspectors).

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13TH-14TH AUGUST 2024